The crowds in Luneta may not have reached a million, but the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos who were there last Aug. 26 represented more than what the name of the gathering suggested. We were there to embody the struggle of each and every citizen against the evils of corruption in public offices. We, the FOI Youth Initiative (FYI), were there, as well as in other centers of protest across the country, to represent all young Filipinos who seek to inherit a society empowered by a government that is committed to the principles of transparency and accountability.
We in the FYI believe that the war we are waging against corruption must be continued and strengthened. Beyond Aug. 26, we will remain vigilant over the investigation of the pork barrel scam. Beyond Aug. 26, we will call for justice by demanding that all those involved in the misuse of public funds be held accountable. Most of all, beyond Aug. 26, we will intensify our campaign for the enactment of the People’s Freedom of Information Law.
FOI Youth Initiative,
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